Bay Area Ants
Did you know that three kinds of Army Ants live in the Bay Area? Other
interesting ants include the centipede eating fat-waisted ants (
Amblyopone), specialized spider egg-eating ants (
Proceratium), and the fungus-growing ants (
which use caterpillar frass (droppings) to feed their fungus. In the
ant world, slavery is still practiced amongst the genus
These slave-maker ants stage dramatic raids on the colonies of other
ant species, enslaving individuals who must then care for their captors
and their brood.
These are just a few examples of over 100 species of ants roaming the Bay Area. However, the invasion of the Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile) into the Bay Area has put many of the native species at risk.
Join the Bay Area ant survey sponsored by California Academy of
Sciences and help us discover and map the distribution of our remaining
native ants populations and the spread of the Argentine Ant.
AntWeb will provide tools to help you identify the ants found
in your school or back yard. You can also bring the ants you collect to
the Naturalist Center at CAS and have the specimens identified using a
microscope and ant key.
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